Our desire is for First Baptist Church of McAllen to be a Place of Hope in our community.
We are here to help people experience the Hope and Healing that is only found in Jesus.
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Our desire is for First Baptist Church of McAllen to be a Place of Hope in our community.
We are here to help people experience the Hope and Healing that is only found in Jesus.
Pastor Vidal Flores
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Secondary Title
Section Title
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Secondary Title
Section Title
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List Item
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List Item
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List Item
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When we speak of giving, we believe that means we give of our time, treasure and our talents. In 2 Corinthians 8:3-5 we see the model that we hope to emulate. We are told the early church gave according to and beyond their ability in order to share in ministry to others, and that it was done voluntarily as people sought to align themselves with God’s mission.